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How to find out if you are still a safe driver

If you are like most, driving is a key part of life and something that would be hard to imagine giving up.  But have you ever wondered how you would find out if you are still a safe driver?  Would you know if you weren’t?  As people get older, it becomes more common to hear about friends having accidents or experiencing “close calls.” Maybe you even have family members or friends that have questioned your driving (or you are questioning theirs!).

There are driver safety assessments to find out if your driving skills are lacking or need improvement.  Sometimes taking a driving course can make the difference between being an unsafe and safe driver. 

Online Assessments

The easiest and most basic way to evaluate your driving skills is with an online driver safety assessment.  The American Automobile Association (AAA) offers a simple 15 question self-assessment tool for drivers 65 and over.  The results indicate your driving strengths and weaknesses.  They also include suggestions for what you can do to become a safer driver.

Another assessment tool to measure driver safety is the Fitness to Drive Screening developed by researchers at the University of Florida.  This tool is designed to be answered by friends and family. Ask someone who is familiar with your driving to complete this. You may also want to consider completing this assessment if you have concerns about someone else’s driving.  

Driving Courses

While online driver safety assessments are helpful in identifying unsafe driving, they don’t provide much assistance with actually improving your driving skills.  This where driving courses come in.  

AARP offers a very popular class, the AARP Smart Driver Course which is available online and in person. The course covers: safe driving strategies, tips for minimizing distractions behind the wheel and information about the new technology in cars today.  The AARP Smart Driver Course also educates people about how age and medication can affect driving and offers strategies for managing this.   

Another popular course available online is AAA’s Roadwise program. The Roadwise course is said to extend your driving career by helping to manage issues around: visibility, time and space, as well as distractions and drowsiness.

AARP’s Smart Driver or AAA’s Roadwise program tout their ability to improve your driving skills. However, another benefit of taking these programs is the discount some auto insurers offer if you take the course/s. Though not all insurance companies offer the discount, it’s worth exploring with your auto insurer.  

Driver Rehabilitation Specialists

Driving courses can make all the difference in helping some people to become safe drivers again.  For other people, though, more extensive, individualized assistance may be needed for them to be, once again, safe behind the wheel.  

Driving rehabilitation specialists are usually occupational therapists. These specialists have been specifically trained to identify causes of one’s driving difficulties and offer strategies for managing these issues.  A driving rehab specialist typically starts by doing a thorough driver safety assessment, reviewing a client’s medical history, gauging cognitive capabilities and then conducting a behind the wheel assessment.  

Based on the results, the specialist may implement a specific driver training plan to help a client regain skills to be a safe driver again.  To find a professional driver rehabilitation specialist in your area, check out the Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists and the American Occupational Therapy Association.

If after the assessments and training, it’s determined (whether by you or the specialist) that it’s better for you not to be behind the wheel, there are other transportation options.  You can get a ride from your local senior village, you can get rides in other ways or even get subsidized or free cab rides in some areas (check with you area agency on aging to find out if you qualify).  

Though it may be tempting to avoid doing a driver safety assessment and having your worst fears confirmed, it’s probably better to identify the areas of your driving that need improvement and hopefully get the help to remedy the situation. 

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Danielle Mazur is a geriatric social worker whose passion for working with older adults was ignited over 20 years ago, while a student at Columbia University School of Social Work. Danielle has worked with older adults in a variety of settings, including: long-term care and assisted living facilities, community health clinics and, for the last six years, at a non-profit focused on helping those over 60, “age well.” Danielle loves working with clients to help define what a good life in their later years looks like and, together, creating a roadmap to get there. When Danielle isn’t working or with her family, she can usually be found on a tennis court, in a yoga studio or dreaming of her next getaway.