Why Wize Plans?

There’s so much competing information about what people should and shouldn’t do as they age, whom they should appoint to fill different roles and when it should all be done.  It can be overwhelming. 

This is where Wize Plans can help. We distill the plethora of data that’s out there, assess what works and what doesn’t and provide you with easy to understand information and best practices, so that your later years can be as happy and secure as possible.   

Who is the Wize Plans site for?

It is probably not a surprise that Wize Plans is geared towards aging women.  It is especially focused on women aging on their own, without a partner or children (or at least children close by). 

It is important for women, who typically outlive men and have lower lifetime earnings on average, to be informed and prepared. Whether you are looking toward retirement or are already firmly in your retirement years, there is information on the site to empower women to make good choices, at whatever stage of the aging journey.  

About Danielle

My name is Danielle Mazur and I am a geriatric social worker who has worked with seniors or soon-to-be seniors for years.  I have  an undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of Michigan and a Master’s of Science in Social Work from Columbia University.  

I am also the mom of two girls, and the daughter and granddaughter of women who found themselves in just the situation the site addresses, aging alone. They have been role models to me in how to be an independent woman and how to manage life and issues around aging with strength and dignity.  They planned for tomorrow and lived for today.

When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, playing tennis, doing yoga and running.