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Medicare Preventive Services: What’s Covered?

It is not always easy to figure out what Medicare covers.  However, when it comes to Medicare Preventive Services, there are some very helpful and easy to navigate resources.  One of the best resources is the guidebook, Medicare Coverage: Preventive Care, published by the Medicare Rights Center – Medicare  This booklet makes learning about what Medicare will pay for when it comes to preventive care, and how much they will pay, simple.    

The booklet is organized alphabetically by procedure,  and describes all the preventive services that Medicare covers.  And, Medicare covers a lot of preventive services, from mammograms, pap smears and colonoscopies to flu shots and smoking cessation counseling.  Next to each procedure is a description of the criteria for coverage.  In some cases, you need to be over a certain age to qualify for service or have certain risk factors identified by your doctor for Medicare to cover the service.  The guidebook also indicates how much Medicare will cover, whether it’s the who cost or a percentage of the cost. Having this guide at your fingertips should make researching the coverage of  specific preventive services easy.  You won’t go into your next doctor’s appointment wondering if or how much you will need to spend.  

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Danielle Mazur is a geriatric social worker whose passion for working with older adults was ignited over 20 years ago, while a student at Columbia University School of Social Work. Danielle has worked with older adults in a variety of settings, including: long-term care and assisted living facilities, community health clinics and, for the last six years, at a non-profit focused on helping those over 60, “age well.” Danielle loves working with clients to help define what a good life in their later years looks like and, together, creating a roadmap to get there. When Danielle isn’t working or with her family, she can usually be found on a tennis court, in a yoga studio or dreaming of her next getaway.